
Occasionally we come across old units of measure that are not commonly known anymore. Here we will present the measurements and their approximate current equivalents.

For more reading on the Baufuus and Fuus measurements, please see the Autumn 1969 issue of Pennsylvania Folklife.


der Acker, pl. die Acker: Deitsch measurement unit of area equivalent to approximately 0.617 US acre. Also called Mariye.


der Baufuus, pl. die Baufiess: See Fuus.

die Beint (pdc): A Deitsch liquid measurement unit currently equal to 1 pint.

es Blech (pdc): A Deitsch liquid measurement unit currently equal to 1 cup. Also the term used for a measuring cup in compound words (e.g., Beintblech = pint measuring cup).


die Ell (pdc); plural die Elle. A Deitsch distance measurement equivalent to four Baufiess, or 52 US inches. Note that the Deitsch measurement differs from British ells and from the Elle of many German states (they also often differ with one another).


der Fuus (pdc); plural die Fiess: A Deitsch distance measurement equal to 13 US inches.


der Gill (pdc); plural die Gill: A Deitsch liquid measurement equal to 1/2 US cup.


die Hitzmessung (pdc); plural die Hitzmessunge: Temperature.


der Lachter (pdc); plural die Lachter: A unit of measurement (usually for depth) equivalent to approximately 6.3 US feet.

Langsami Zeit (pdc): A Deitsch time measurement equivalent to standard time.

die Linie (pdc): A Deitsch distance measurement unit considered to be 1/12 of a Zoll (inch).

Loth (de) - der Lood (pdc): A German dry weight measurement unit that varied from locality to locality from 225 to 270 grains troy. Considered to be approximately 16 grams in Deitsch measurement.


der Mariye (pdc): Also called Acker. Deitsch unit to measure area, equivalent to roughly 0.617 US acre.

der Messraam (pdc): A Deitsch term for the measurement of distance and space.


es Neesel (pdc): A Deitsch liquid measurement equaling 1.2 US quarts.


es Pund (pdc): A Deitsch weight measurement unit considered to be the equivalent of 1 pound.


der Quint (en): One fifth of a US gallon.


die Rut (pdc): A Deitsch distance measurement unit equal to 12 Fiess (feet, but each Fuus is 13 US inches... so 1 Rut = 13 US feet).


Schnelli Zeit (pdc): A Deitsch time measurement equivalent to daylight savings time

der Schpann (pdc) plural die Schpann: Unit of distance (usually for measuring depth) equivalent to 1/8 of a Lachter or 9.5 US inches.

die Schtunn, plural die Schtunne (pdc): Deitsch unit of time equivalent to one hour.


die Unz (pdc); also Uunz: A Deitsch weight measurement considered to be the equivalent of 1 ounce.


es Yaard (pdc): A Deitsch distance measurement unit equivalent to 39 US inches.


der Zoll (pdc): A Deitsch distance measurement unit considered to be the equivalent of one and one-twelfth of a US inch. Twelve Zoll is equal to one Fuus, which equals 13 US inches.

Last updated on December 4, 2015

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